【獨家】 開放軍機敵我識別碼 台美日形成軍事同盟

朱明 2017年01月01日 12:51:00

諸葛風雲 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

陸軍計畫建案 增購32架黑鷹直升機

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黑鷹變翅 陸軍30架機高齡UH-1H延役至110年

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發稿日期: 民國105年12月30日

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Taiwan orders additional Black Hawk helos

The Republic of China Army (RoCA) has exercised an option for a further 24 Sikorsky UH-60M Black Hawk utility helicopters modified to Taiwan army and National Airborne Service Corps configurations, it was disclosed on 1 September.

The procurement, which was announced by the US Department of Defense (DoD), will see the modified helicopters delivered to the RoCA by 8 October 2018. Sikorsky has been awarded USD135.4 million to deliver the helicopters to a "uniquely configured" standard. The award value and the number of helicopters give a unit cost of USD5.6 million per helicopter. Given that a fully configured Black Hawk is typically worth upwards of USD20 million, it is likely that this is an initial agreement to exercise the option with follow-on contracts to follow.

Taiwan has signed for a total of 60 UH-60Ms at a cost of USD3.1 billion, with these 24 new helicopters forming part of that wider order. The first four platforms arrived in-country in December 2014, with deliveries ongoing in batches of seven.

While the contract announcement does not disclose details of the RoCA configuration, a previously issued US Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) notification revealed it to include the standard General Electric T-700-GE-701D engines, AN/APR-39A(V)2 radar warning receivers, AN/ALQ-144A(V)1 infrared countermeasure sets, AN/AAR-57 Common Missile Warning Systems, AN/AVR-2B laser detecting sets, GAU-19/A 12.7 mm Gatling guns, and Po-Sheng communication/datalink systems. In addition, AN/AVS-9 night vision goggles are also being supplied.

The UH-60Ms will replace the Bell UH-1 'Huey', which has been in Taiwanese service since 1969. It has previously been reported that 15 of the 60 UH-60Ms on order will be allocated to the country's Interior Ministry's National Airborne Service for use in disaster relief and emergency operations. As well as the 60 UH-60Ms to be fielded by the army, the air force operates 16 S-70C Black Hawks in the search-and-rescue role (Black Hawks sold under the Foreign Military Sales programme receive the US Army's UH-60 designation, while those sold via Direct Commercial Sale get the Sikorsky S-70 designation instead).

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我國艦射天弓3型防空飛彈 首度試射成功

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對付共軍 美將在日部署新型E2D預警機 

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捨F-35 加拿大用18架超級大黃蜂過渡



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